Saturday, February 15, 2014

Age and colorblindness in the Coast Guard?

This is a 2-part question, so please bear with me.

1) With regards to age limits, what is the cut-off for being an officer coming into the Coast Guard as a civilian? I am currently 31 years of age, but seems to indicate that I can still apply to the USCG OCS (I possess a masters level degree, so education is no problem). However, I've read some contradictory information that seems to indicate that the cutoff is actually age 30… So which is it for the Coast Guard? 30 or 35?

2) If I can't get into the Coast Guard I can still go Navy. So, for all services, what is the deal with colorblindness? I am colorblind… Not totally so, but I definitely cannot pass a plates test, and struggle with the Falant lantern (just watching videos on Youtube makes it clear that I would pass neither). So, this brings up two obvious sub-questions:

A) Can the tests be beat with the recently developed corrective contacts? Do the test administrators force you to remove glasses/contacts before taking the tests? Do you know of anyone who has done this (dishonest [but let's face it, people have been lying about stuff to join the military forever]) route to beat the tests?

B) If I go in without some form of corrective lenses and assuming I fail, can I still do restrictive line? I have a lot of experience in newspaper work, editing and writing, so I know there are Navy and Coasty desk careers I could do. But do I have to at least partially pass the tests to apply? Or can I outright fail both tests and still do desk work?

Thank you for any and all help.

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