Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Can dry eyes cause contact lenses to move around?

I have recently noticed that my left contact lens moves when i blink. It feels sort of floaty.
I really doubt that I have the giant papillary conjunctivitis because my eyes aren't bloodshot at all or uncomfortable without lenses.
The strange thing is, that it happens only SOMETIMES, but in the same eye. So it will be fine at certain parts of the day, then worsen at other times of day. And only on some days. This is also what makes me doubt that the lens is inside out.
My contact lenses were also checked for fit whilst worn.
Is it possible that dry eyes syndrome/dry eyes can cause a contact lens to move around the eye?
I noticed today that it got worse when I was somewhere where there was heating and was fine when I was outdoors.
It might also be worth mentioning that I have strabismus, or a lazy eye, though it's cosmetically corrected, it sometimes creeps out a little when I'm tired. Could this be contributing also? (It's my left eye also).

Thank you!

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