Monday, March 4, 2013

I poked myself in the eye with the end of a piece of dried grass?

About a week ago I was arranging dried flowers and accidentally poked myself in the eye with the sharp end of a piece of the hurt like the dickens at the time and really watered but the next day it seemed ok. I wear contact lens and I put them in the next day and as the day wore on my eye started to hurt and got very red. I took out my lens in that eye and the next day my eye felt fine. The next day myh other eye become inflamed and very sore like I hyad something in it. I thought maybe I switched lens (my prescription is the same for both eyes) I went and bought new lens and put them eye was still irritated so I removed the one lens from the irritated eye. I fell asleep with the other lens in (the eye I originally injured) and when i woke up it hurt like hell and was extremely red. I have left both eyes without lens in for two days now and using Naphcon A eye drops and it has gotten alot better. There is no visible infection in either eye, (my eyes weren't goopy or crusty in the morning). I can't drive to the doctor because I can't see but should I be concerned or just carry on with what I am doing?

См. статью: I poked myself in the eye with the end of a piece of dried grass?