Saturday, January 5, 2013

Survey Time! Will You Take It?

Hello, welcome back to Chelsea's Survey Factory. Please enjoy.

1- Would you rather- Go skydiving in your underpants OR Go skiing dressed up as a giant cookie. (Any kind is acceptable.)

2- Think Quick?!- Three under aged teenagers keep pestering people to buy them cigarettes. One man finally agrees to buy the cigarettes. What do you do?

3- True/False- You have had a birthday party.

4- If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

5- Do you wear glasses or contact lenses?

6- You are in a science lab. The scientist spills an unknown chemical on you. You are now changed in to a tall, green monster. How would you feel?

7- Would you rather- Bark for the rest of your life OR Meow for the rest of your life.

8- True/False- You have over 5 pairs of shoes.

9- What is the best book you have read?

OPTIONAL 10- Can you figure out this song with just these lyrics?
"Put another "X" on the calendar, Summer's on it's deathbed." Good Luck!

Thank you everyone, Chelsea's Survey Factory is closing up for the night. Until next time, stay cool and listen to your parents…
>>> Survey Time! Will You Take It?