Thursday, January 3, 2013

Would you let your teenager wear this?

She's 15. I honestly do not see a problem with it.It fits her style and she's not a bad kid. Straight As. Responsible. Does not dress like a whore.No crop tops, heels, short shorts. I bought her this hat and she wore it today with some acid wash, a white t-shirt with an iris(eye) on it, and some cheetah print Vans with a black jacket and circle lens sunglasses with a pink tint. This woman stopped me in the mall today and asked me what I was thinking by letting her wear that.It might have just been an age difference, though. This woman looked mid-40s and I'm only 31. I adopted my daughter we she was 7 years old and I only 22. Would you let your teenager wear this?***/the-cut-comme-des---beanie.html
Added (1). Apparently, the link isn't working for some. Click the red rectangle after you click the link.It's the first item.
>>> Would you let your teenager wear this?