Friday, January 4, 2013

My left eye hurts everytime I blink our touch it?

Its been two days and my eye hurt. Not the whole eye but just the top corner.everytime I touch it or when I blink it really hurts. I have been having this situation once in a while.It comes and go. And it's always in the left eye. I don't know if this might help but when I was 15 I was training for my badminton competition with my partner and I was facing her way, when she smashed it hit me in the that time my eye couldn't see for about a minute.It took me about an hour ti get my eyesight in that eye back. I was also wearing contact lenses at that time. Then I noticed that the was like a light thing in the Brown circle of my eye. Its gone now though. And yes, I wear glasses
>>> My left eye hurts everytime I blink our touch it?