Friday, September 14, 2012

Which contact brand do I choose?

I had an eye appointment today, and I'm getting contacts for the first time. I know that sometimes you have to try different brands to fine one that works best. I have two different prescriptions, so my eye doctor said one brand might work for one eye, but not the other. These are what I have to choose from:

Left: Acuvue Advance (2 Weeks)
Right: Acuvue Advance for Astigmatism (2 Weeks)

Left: Acuvue Oasys (2 Weeks)
Right: Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism (2 Weeks)

Left: Air Opix Aqua (Monthly)
Right: Air Opix for Astigmatism (Monthly)

Left: Biofinity (Monthly)
Right: Biofinity Toric (Monthly)

Left: Biomedics 55 Premier (2 Week)
Right: Biomedics Toric (2 Week)

Left: Proclear EP (Monthly)
Right: Proclear Toric (Monthly)

I don't know which to try first…
>>> Which contact brand do I choose?