Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Vision Clear with Contacts but Blurry with Glasses?

I usually wear contact lenses until I started having irritation after use so I went back to my glasses which are the same prescription.

After a few weeks with my glasses, my vision started to get really blurry and I had more discharge that usual after sleeping/napping. Assuming that I had an eye infection, I got antibiotic eyedrops from my doctor which fixed my discharge issue but blurriness on the glasses didn't go away.

So I thought wow my vision must've got really bad in a few weeks but when I wore my contacts again my vision is clear but then irritation after

I'm reluctant to schedule another appointment with my optomitrist since I just saw her on March, I'm was wondering if you guys know what's going on with me

atm I'm sucking it up with my contacts since it's unsafe for me to drive with the glasses and it also gives me a headache.
Added (1). @hippo37
I started using a new pair of contacts but still gives me irritations.It feels like there's something on my eyelids (not sure if its discharge or inflammation) that is giving me discomfort
>>> Vision Clear with Contacts but Blurry with Glasses?