Saturday, September 29, 2012

URGENT Contact lens been stuck in my eye since last night?

I really don't want to go to the opticians -this is why I am posting a question

Last night it was painful and gave up on trying to get it out, this morning there was white mucus in my eyes and mouth it was really really hard to breathe because all my nose closed up and it was like I had inhaled loads of chlorine or something and I have had a migraine since last night too and my saliva went really thick and my lips were numb and my nose was running

anyway I feel really really irritable and depressed so I don't want to leave the house or see a doctor or anything

Any chance of it just falling out on its own or something? Any methods of trying to get it out? it is really far up my eyelid.
>>> URGENT Contact lens been stuck in my eye since last night?