Monday, September 24, 2012

Is my eye infected? I woke up and my contact hurt and now my eye hurts!

Its a hard contact that reshapes my eye while I sleep, I woke up this morning and the eye that touches the pillow when I sleep hurt and I thought it was just my imagination, but then I felt another stabbing pain, so I turned on the light and ran downstairs, cupping my eye, feeling it growing wet, and I got downstairs and there was some white goo on the inside, which I wiped away, and I immediatley took out the contact, and felt relief for a minute, now it feels painful again, every time I blink it hurts, but if I don't blink for a few seconds it burns, and it kinda feels like its in a line. Did I scratch my eye? My mom says that really hurts, but my eye doctor says thayt because of these lenses, if I scratched my cornea, my eye would heal faster because the contacts make the cornea constantly reshape itself. Help im scared!
>>> Is my eye infected? I woke up and my contact hurt and now my eye hurts!