Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Is it better to see really clear or a little blurry with contact lenses?

I went to a new eye doctor to update my contact lense prescriptions. (I wear contacts if I go outside of the house for a while) Of course, my eyesight became worse. I tried the new contacts on and everything was really clear. I wasn't dizzy and had no headaches during the day. Then days later I went to a different eye doctor to update my glasses prescriptions (I only wear glasses at home). I was wearing contacts so the optometrist measured it. I did another eye test and the optometrist said my contact lense prescription is too high; 0.5 higher.So she made my glasses prescription a bit lower than my contacts. With contacts I can see the TV clearly but with my glasses I can't see the small words. I heard that if you wear contacts that are really clear, your eyes will get shocked and you'll get headaches. Should I lower my contact prescriptions? I like my higher contact prescription lenses because I can see everything but I don't want to have problems with my eye later on. I have no problem with it so far though…
>>> Is it better to see really clear or a little blurry with contact lenses?