Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Contacts lenses advice.?

Hey so, at the opticians i go you can have either daily or monthly lenses. I used to get dailies, and recently moved to monthlys but I CANNOT GET THEM IN-I JUST CAN'T! I clean them loads, I wash my hands, I get no fibres or dust or mascara in my eyes, I check their shaped evry thing but they hurt and sting and I end up wearing glasses. Today though, i found an old pair of dailies and slipped them in first go, fine. But dailies are slightly more expensive, by like 5 or something. And iv'e had monthlys for 2 months and nearly everyday i go to college with them sore or just with glasses. I've practised and it just doesn't work.So … it's definately worth getting dailies again, right? I have two months worth of monthlys left, so i'll attempt to use those before i you have any tips to help me get them in right? You do think i should go to dailies?
>>> Contacts lenses advice.?