Sunday, May 18, 2014

What the heck, evolution?

Okay, so I get the idea of "we started out small and simple, and through natural selection certain traits were chosen" and all that. But how exactly did we get complex things like eyes and brains and organs? I can get if certain bacteria can be photosensitive, for example, but eyes don't just pop up, and wouldn't a half eye be pretty much useless?
Added (1). (okay, what I meant by the "wouldn't a half eye be pretty much useless" is, wouldn't it not be able to perform its full function if it wasn't fully "made"?)
Anyway, thank you, that makes much more sense:) So, are you saying then that other things such as organs and the brain and stuff appeared like that? (now what bout things that NEED to be fully formed? Like, say, a heart.)
Added (2). about*

Read more: What the heck, evolution?