Monday, May 19, 2014

Spectacles part paid for with NHS optical vouchers/?

I had a dispute with Specsavers over their 2 for 1 offer and free reactions lenses with £99 frames. Basically Specsavers overcharged me, I did not realise it at the time but thought the cost was rather expensive seeing as I had 2 optical vouchers, one for distance and one for reading. Anyway when I got home I was able to work out the exact cost from their website based on their current prices and deals and found I had indeed been overcharged by £25.70 not a lot I know, better in my pocket than theirs. I rang Specsavers to complain and asked to speak to the manager who disputed my claim leaving me no choice but to demand a full refund which he agreed to, this is where it gets a bit iffy.

I got the money part I paid refunded on return of the glasses but the manager has kept my NHS optical vouchers which have obviously been cashed in. What is really astounding is, there is no way to complain about this misuse of public money. You can complain about a GP, dentist, hospital or pharmacist to the NHS, you can even complain about the optician who tested your eyes to some optical council, but there is no way to report people who may have fraudulently claimed money off the NHS in your name. There is no accountability, no checks in place, no way of checking up on this. I might be wrong, but I can't find anything on the NHS website that covers my particular situation.

How can I make sure Specsavers have not used my vouchers to claim costs off the NHS?

Read more: Spectacles part paid for with NHS optical vouchers/?