Friday, May 23, 2014

Ortho-K lens not fitting + off-centre?

So I've been having problems with my left ortho-k lens. Instead of staying centre it keeps shifting off-centre to the bottom left of my cornea. It affects my vision slightly and it causes my left eye to go sore easily. I tried resetting (not wearing it for a couple of days) and then trying it again, and that didn't work. Yesterday I tried my other backup lens and that didn't work either… But when I put it on yesterday I didn't wait long enough to fully "resit" it. I only waited for a day and decided to give it a try. Is it possible that the shape of my left eye has changed for whatever reason? I'm just trying to see if it's my eye or the contact lens… It's really expensive to get a new one so I just want to make sure I gather all information available. :/

Read more: Ortho-K lens not fitting + off-centre?