Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Is a BC 8.3 make a big difference if I'm a 8.4?

My old doctor prescribe me Acuvue Oasys and Freshlook Colorblend. The Freshlook has a BC 8.6. I wear a BC 8.4. I didn't like the Freshlook cause it didn't fit.It was moving.It was too big.So I went on 1800CONTACT and order the Acuvue Colour 8.3 and was approved by my old doctor. A year later I had to get a new prescription.So I went to a new doctor. Go my prescription. And order the Acuvue Colour 8.3 and the Oasys 8.4.My new doctor called telling me if I used the Colour. I said yes. Then he asked me if I tried Freshlook. I said yes. I am wondering why would a OD prescribe Freshlook which has a BC 8.6 that isn't close to 8.4? And if a patient wants 8.3 they want them to use the 8.6. 8.3 and 8.4 doesn't make much of a difference. Hell! 8.3 fits much better than 8.6.

См. статью: Is a BC 8.3 make a big difference if I'm a 8.4?