Monday, May 6, 2013

Eyeglasses blurry at the edge of right eye?

I'll start off by saying I am nearsighted with severe astigmatism (-4.0 in the right eye with an axis of 010 and -4.75 in the left eye with an axis of 170). On March 7th, I had an exam and the doctor discovered that each of my eyes had worsened by a quarter (the prescription above is the one as a result of that exam). The office had restocked my frames, so the new frames I purchased are exactly like my old pair, which I had no issues whatsoever with.

When I received my new glasses, I noticed that from the center of my lens outward in the right eye, things were blurry/distorted.It almost felt as if my eye were "pulling" in that direction, if that makes sense. I went back and requested a recheck with the doctor, but his technicians wanted to check the lenses first. She discovered a "prism" (which I don't need) in that lens by mistake and sent it off to be remade. When I received the glasses again, I was still having the exact same problem. I went to a different doctor's office just to get a second opinion on the glasses, and she found that the optical center was WAY off in that lens.So I requested an appointment with my regular doctor again, and he found the same problem.In both lenses, not just the right.So they were sent off again.

There was a delay in getting the glasses this time because the lab sent the wrong prescription back, so they had to be remade a fourth time. I finally received them on Saturday. And, not surprisingly, I still have this issue in my right eye. I have to look through that lens at just the right angle, toward my nose (think of how a bird tilts its head to see something), to be able to see clearly. I feel as though they may be slightly better than the last lenses, but my eye really feels like it is pulling and I notice this constantly.

My left eye has adjusted wonderfully to this new prescription, so I don't know if it truly is a lens problem or if it's my eye, but I'm getting frustrated with the eye doctor's office to the point where I just want to eat the $200 they cost me, wear my old pair of glasses, and stop messing with it. Has this ever happened to anyone else?

Any input is so much appreciated.

См. статью: Eyeglasses blurry at the edge of right eye?