Thursday, December 20, 2012

My 5 year-old plays games online that have handguns and shooting. How can I stop him?

He has held me back with a sling shot, dust pan, stick, flashlight, clenched fist and a really mean look. This morning he lit a Bic lighter and sprayed hair spray that singed my hair and one of my contact lenses is melted. I can't spank him, as he just turns his head around and says mockingly, "I'm not crying!" He is not willing to swallow any pills, and never eats cooked food, just cookies and Dr. Pepper.

What can I do?
Added (1). Last year it was porn. I called the police, and after an 11 hour standoff, the National Guard was called in. Two helicopters down later, he fell asleep, bored. He received three interviews and one movie offer during the media sensation and finally agreed to be arrested, as a pro-bono attorney assured him he would be set free with no time, due to his age and lack of any other criminal record.
>>> My 5 year-old plays games online that have handguns and shooting. How can I stop him?