Sunday, December 16, 2012

Does the RCMP accept recruits with laser eye surgery?

Already asked a few questions regarding applying for the RCMP, but I forgot this one. I don't know my prescription as I haven't had the opportunity to get an exam for a few years, but my eyes haven't changed too much. I've booked a consultation with LASIK MD and I'm looking into laser eye surgery. I know my eyes are much too weak for the RCMP's requirements; holding my hand in front of my face without corrective lenses, my hand gets blurry about 6 inches away. I'm very near-sighted.

But I know even laser eye surgery isn't necessarily guaranteed to work and it's not always permanent. I know no one really knows the long-term effects and that vision loss can still occur even after a few years. I know it's risky.

Considering that, does the RCMP consider applicants who've had eye surgery? Or should I just not even bother? I know I'll never be qualified with my eyes as they are now. I don't want my crappy eyes to be the reason I can't make the cut because I know I can reach every other goal. Has anyone else had to do something similar to get into a police force or military?
>>> Does the RCMP accept recruits with laser eye surgery?