Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Should I Always Wear My Glasses?

I've been wearing glasses since I was seven years old and have only ever been to one eye doctor. They originally told me when I was seven one eye was stronger than the other and I needed to correct that with glasses and wearing an eye patch. I am now in my 20s. When I take off my glasses, I see no difference except everything is smaller. The only difference I notice is that my glasses magnify things like by 100 percent. This makes things look bigger and up close. But I have never been told really what's wrong with my eyes. I think I'd be fine without glasses. I do not see blurry. I do not see out of focus. I see everything clearly. And even with my glasses on I see blurry at night. My aunt needs perscription glasses but never wears them for vain reasons. I feel sort of the same. I hate wearing them. I look better without them. And my eyes are too little and too dry for contact lenses - I once got a contact stuck in my eye and it took three techs at the eye doctor to try to peel it off. So nope. No contacts for me. I was just wondering what you think is wrong with my eyes and if you think I can get away without wearing glasses. I used to get headaches reading so I was thinking of perhaps only wearing them to read or at night when my eyes get "tired." I just really don't think I need them constantly. I once went without glasses for a week when they broke and it took me a few days of head aches but I got used to not wearing glasses at all. What are your thoughts?

Read more: Should I Always Wear My Glasses?