Monday, July 28, 2014

Want to change myself when school starts?

Ok, so I've always been shy. Even though I have good friends that are popular, they never invite me to parties (not because they are mean or anything, I'm sure it's because they know I'm not at parties so they don't bother asking…). I don't go to parties because I'm shy, I'm afraid of drinking (I'm 17 by the way), and I think everyone have so much more experience in everything than me, so I know I'll feel lonely and just sitting alone. That's what have happened on all parties. I've been sitting alone since people drink, have fun, talk to each other, and yes, have a lot of fun. I have braces, I use glasses (or contact lenses when out with people). People don't hate me though! I'm very kind, so they're very kind back. I'm not super happy with my look. Or actually, sometimes in some mirrors, I'm the sexiest man on earth. But like now, I'm ugly as heck.

I know I've said this a lot of times: I'm gonna change and get confident. But it never happens. I want this time to be different. I'm getting my braces off a week before school, and one of my best friends (who is a very cool guy, has a great look, and is very popular) is moving to the US for 1 year. Because of these two things, and the fact that we've had summer now, it feels like a good moment to finally change. I want people to think "Wow, what's happened to him?". But… In case I fail… How do I do this? What will people think? :\

Read more: Want to change myself when school starts?