Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hard bump in private area? Ladies please?

A couple days ago, I was wiping after I went pee. I thought I caught a hair and just pulled it, I didn't think anything of it.
Then yesterday I started my period. I was shaving my "down there" (I'm 14, shaving is just a personal preference) and I saw a red spot. I couldn't see very well in the shower, since I have glasses/ contact lenses. So I felt it and it was a hard bump. I finish my shower, put my glasses on and see that this thing is just inside my outer fold on my left side. The bump was the size of a pea, and there was a red spot on it. (On a zit on your face, where the white part would be, that was where the red was on this.) The bump was also the same color as the rest of my "down there", except for the red spot.
I don't have any odd symptoms, like itching or anything. Thanks for your answers!

Read more: Hard bump in private area? Ladies please?