Monday, July 21, 2014

How to get rid of red eyes?

I began wearing biofinity monthly contact lenses in March and everything was fine until mid May. The whites of my eyes were getting completely red. I used drops for about 2 weeks and it would come and go without any pain. After about 3 weeks the red eye would not go away and was painful. I went to the eye doctor and he said it was allergies and suggested i use saline before putting my contacts in… Sadly it didn't work. I went back to the eye doctor a second time and he had me use Deruzol for 2 weeks… My eyes looked great and felt great, however Deruzol is a steroid and can't be used everyday! After a week off of the Deruzol my eyes turned red again so my eye doctor prescribed me Lastacaft for everyday use. I kept waking up with red eyes, id wash my face which cleared the red eyes and id use the lastacaft. My eyes would stay clear all day and they the next day id wake up with red eyes and start the process all over. After 3 week on the Lastacaft it stopped working and i couldn't get rid of the red eyes. I called the doctor, made another appointment and start using the Derusol again until my appointment.

Ive switched all my makeup to hypoallergenic, switched my face wash, switched shampoo, body wash, pillows, detergent and nothing keeps the red eye from coming back.

Could i be suffering from dry eye? I don't know what else to do.

Read more: How to get rid of red eyes?