Thursday, July 11, 2013

Do you really throw away your contact lens case every 3 months?

I've had contacts for probably 14 years or so. Somehow I have NEVER heard that it is recommended to replace your lens case every few months.
I'd probably not even care since using it til I lose it (haha) has worked so far, but I've noticed something really weird the last couple days. When I've gone to open my lens case in the morning, the left lens bowl of my case has had this weird puffy white stuff floating in it. I've rinsed the contact thoroughly and nothing has happened to my eye, but it keeps happening every single day even though I clean the case thoroughly each time.
Is it simply time to get a new case? My eye is completely fine, and I know that when the solution dries it looks like white flakiness, but this is stuff floating in the solution.
Added (1). LOL.It DEFINITELY has nothing to do with being cheap. I have like 10 different contact cases scattered around the bathrooms. I just use whichever one happens to be available when I go take them out.
Added (2). My question was not whether using a new one is an expense I can afford.My question was if and WHY they need to be replaced.
And, if you happen to know what the white stuff is, that's surely a plus.

См. статью: Do you really throw away your contact lens case every 3 months?