Saturday, June 22, 2013

Can't insert contact lenses?

My trial lenses finally came in the other day and so yesterday I went in for the "class" on inserting and removing them. The woman who was supposed to teach me was very rude and spent almost half of the appointment talking about her children and spent only a few minutes explaining how to get the contacts in to my eyes. I'm a lefty and for some reason was completely unable to get the contact in to my left eye, but the right one went in after the first 3 or 4 tries. She cut the appointment short and I can't even come back until Tuesday which is ridiculous… she made a ton of mean remarks to be as well, including "hope you don't have a boyfriend because he'd run if he knew how easily you cried." All of this made me really anxious, not to mention she kept watching me closely the entire time which made it worse :(. This experience left me really frustrated and upset..I felt so defeated and stupid.

How can I get these stupid things in to my eyes so I can get out of there with my contacts in?:(
Added (1). Problem is it won't stick to my eye… maybe because my fingers get sweaty from nervousness? I get to the point where I can feel it touching my eye so I apply a bit of pressure and let go and lo and behold the thing is still on my finger. :/.
Added (2). Even when I pull away the contact lens is still perfectly rounded and has not flattened..I'm really not sure what the problem is. Maybe it's brushing my eyelashes? I don't know…

См. статью: Can't insert contact lenses?