Friday, March 1, 2013

How to start planning to move out by next year?

I'm 18 and I want to move out, soon.My parents are way too controlling and my dad is a very difficult person to live with. But mom doesn't want to leave him.

I am a college student and my tuition is about $2, 500 per semester, but I have the Pell Grant, so the only money I put into school is for books. I spend approximately $300 for books each semester. (I rent them) I start my first job tomorrow and I'll be working 16-22 hours, $8-$8.50 an hour. Obviously, during the summer, I'd be working more hours.My aim is 40 or more, if possible.My car is all paid off, but the insurance is around the hundreds. I also have a smart phone. I'm not sure what the bill is for only my phone, but it's around $80 - $100. I spend around $35 on gas for my car per week, but sometimes it can last a week on only $20.As for health insurance, I'm not sure how that will go because my mom pays for it and I do need contacts lenses, so I have no idea if I'll be able to afford that along with all the other expenses.

If I do move out, I plan on moving in with a roommate. One friend I have in my mind makes a lot more than I do since he works more than 40 hours per week and isn't going to school. I'm hoping for the rent to be between $300 and $400. I already know about other expenses, like utilities, food, household/personal necessities, etc. I have to account for all that, too. Clothes and going out isn't a priority, since I can do without those things.

Since I can't afford to move out NOW, I need to plan out some sort of budget. What else should I prepare for? How much money do I NEED to have saved up before I move out? Like I said before, my goal is to be out of my parents by next summer. (I'll be 19), if not sooner.Do you think it's possible?
Added (1). Where I live, most average apartments rent for $800. The nicer ones are around $1000. If that's case, I can move in with 3 roommates. The rent itself is the least of my concerns.
>>> How to start planning to move out by next year?