Monday, February 25, 2013

How to get my lenses to match my old prescription better?

I have an old glasses prescription that is GREAT… I see quite well with it. But had to get new frames and with that a new prescription. The new prescription is slightly off because I have trouble telling the slides apart in eye exams.

The old prescription I had was perfect only because I had that doctor take an inordinate amount of time as I deliberated over the slides. And that old doctor is gone. I feel uncomfortable taking up so much time to pick between choices so consequently i end up with a less than stellar prescription. I WANT MY OLD PRESCRIPTION BACK!!!

It has been so long that I no longer have a copy of the old prescription but still have my old glasses and just want that duplicated somehow. The new frames are a new shape. The new prescription isn't quite right and I had 14 days to adjust. I do not feel confident they can tweak it to my old prescription strength because I totally freak out during the eye exam… I just cannot choose slides. The only way they will be able to do it is to copy my old glasses and somehow figure out the prescription.It is perfect… I can see perfectly with the old prescription.

So here is the question. How can I get my eye doctor to just copy my old prescription from my old glasses??? The alternative is for me to freak out again in another eye exam and give another inaccurate result… HELP!
Added (1). I'm uncomfortable because half the time i can't tell between slides 1 and 2. When I blink, the choice I didn't like becomes the better choice. If I don't blink, my eyes dry up and it's not accurate either.
>>> How to get my lenses to match my old prescription better?