Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Wearing black scleral lenses for costume?

I know scleral lenses can be very risky and damage the eye if not bought from a very reliable source and bought to correctly fit your eye, but I have some more questions about them.

I already have some crazy nearsightedness. Like, if it's not about an arm's length away, it's blurry. On top of that, one of my eyes has an astigmatism. I wear contacts daily but I am absolutely dying to someday wear black sclera lenses for a costume! I love how eerie they look.

But, if my already-damaged eyes would cause them to not work with my eyes, I am not afraid to give up hope on that dream. I'd much rather have healthy eyes than a temporary theatrical look!

So, is it possible or no? Or I guess, would it be safer for me to just ditch the idea? Thanks so much!
Added (1). My eyes have not been physically damaged, I just mean that my eyes are not naturally 20/20 and have an astigmatism. The things I've read about wearing theatrical scleral lenses have always talked about the wearers as if they had perfect eyes already, that's why my question's up here :)
>>> Wearing black scleral lenses for costume?