Sunday, February 24, 2013

What can i do to reduce my outgoings?

Hi guys i work doing security at 60 hours a week just above nmw not much tho but looking at ways to reduce my outgoings as its the only wage coming into the house (myself & partner survive on this)

Income £1300-1350 a month after tax's etc

list of outgoing's

rent £261
c-tax £80
power £80
gas £30
food £250
three contract 1 -£20
three contract 2 - £20
three contract 3 £13
three contract 4 £13
provident loan 1 - £21
provident loan 2 -£21
provident loan 3 - £21
provident loan 4 - £21
rise credit card 1 - £50
sky -tv/internet/phone - £90
netflix £6
lowell debt 1 - £1
lowell debt 2 - £1
overdraft - £20
contact lenses - £22.22
family - £50
travel -train - £85.10
david lloyd gym 1 - £60
david lloyd gym 2 - £60

total - £1296.35

as you see i only have £6-£50 spare each month not a lot i suppose i can stop payin most of them but they will go to a debt collection tho which i want avoid as i want a mortage in 6 yrs time

so any help would be great thx
Added (1). Gym memberships have 8 months eft on contract
2 x mobile contracts have 6 months on contract left 2 x mobile contracts have 18 months on contract left

provident loans are high but feel bad not paying my debts off but i feel bad not having money end of the month for myself also forgot i got 2 dogs to take care of 1 needs sugery every 2 years cost ing £400 a time
Added (2). Cant cancel gym or sky or netflix my gf likes them too much she be mad if i cancel them aswell

contact lenses are must i afraid
>>> What can i do to reduce my outgoings?