Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Ordering Contact Lenses Online?

Okay I'll try to give you as much information as possible…
I'm wondering if I should order some contact lenses online but I'm not sure if it will be okay for my eyes.
I have astigmatism and my sphere, Cyl, Axis fits exactly with my order I found online. My opitician said I can only get Acuvue Moist Astigmatism for One day so I found it online and it is a bit cheaper. However, on the site there's is only one option for base curve and diameter which is 8.5 and 14.5. And I do not actually know what my eye base curve and diameter is. I'm thinking that there is only one option available so it must be okay right? Does it matter if it's different? Also, my optician was going to get me these lenses anyway so if that's the only option then wouldn't that be the right size anyway? Can opticians change it to suit you or get special orders or do they just order from somewhere anyway? Can someone please help me! Thanks

Read more: Ordering Contact Lenses Online?