Tuesday, December 4, 2012

LASIK before flight school?

I am currently a first year cadet in an ROTC program at the University at Buffalo.My top choice when I graduate in May 2016 (22 years old) is active Aviation (helicopter pilot). I currently wear glasses (or contacts), and my prescription has changed within the past year. I know you have to have at least 20/50 in each eye to be considered for flight school, and I'm not allowed to drive without corrective lenses (I'm not sure on the exact prescription).

My question: Do you think I'll be able to get LASIK eye surgery (or corrective eye surgery) before I graduate, and would I have flight school as an option? Would that even be a good idea, or should I just start thinking about my second pick, combat engineer? And why?

Thank you in advanced.
>>> LASIK before flight school?