Sunday, September 16, 2012

What is the best option to manage my astigmatim?

I'm 15 and, well I don't mean to sound so complainy, but I have been suffering from astigmatism my whole life. :( I've worn proclear toric soft contacts for the past few years because I've found that they are the best option.My prescription in my left eye is +1.25-3.25x165 and my right eye is something similar. I'm getting really sick of wearing these… they always feel dry and burny, they give me headaches, my vision in them is always fluctuating, and I wear them about 15 hours 7 days a week. I realize I'm over wearing them, and now when I look at a light, it has a hazy halo around it. This is probably not good, but I'd rather that than wear my glasses. With my glasses, I see ghost images and when I tilt the lenses, they go away, but I look kinda funny wearing them like that. :P Will new glasses help? I am also in the process of trying RGP lenses, which complicates everything. I can't see very well out of the left lens, but my doc says it is as good as it's gonna get. (I don't really understand that.) My vision in my right lens is okay, but both lenses move around constantly, I can see the edges of them, and there is a lot of glare off of any light. Also, they pop out super easily and cost $200 each. I feel like I'm missing out on stuff all the time because of my visual problems. I can't concentrate on anything because I'm always distracted by something to do with my crappy eyes. I don't know if I'm just overreacting like everyone thinks I am, but to me, this is a serious problem.My eye doctor is doing the best he can, but nothing seems to be good enough. Nothing is enjoyable anymore. :'( So basically I guess my question is: WHAT SHOULD I DOOOO??? I know that I'm not alone in this, so anyone who has similar problems to this, your advice would be greatly appreciated. :D Thanks.
>>> What is the best option to manage my astigmatim?