Wednesday, July 2, 2014

How to pay for college without help?

I am done with community college and am now transferring to a public university. This is out of daily driving distance, which means I need to move to an apartment by campus and start paying rent ($625 a month) I currently make $8.75 an hour and work about 30 hours per week, but I will have to quit this job before I move and then try to find a new one by school. The problem is, now that my public university costs more than community college did, I'm worried I won't get enough financial aid loans to cover the cost. The FAFSA people think my parents make enough to pay for my school, so I'm worried I won't get enough loans. But in reality I pay for all my schooling, my parents gave me $60 for one textbook one time, that's it. I'll have to pay $14,000 a year in tuition and $625 a month for rent, which of course I need loans to pay for because I'm a student, I don't make that much money. On top of that all, I need to reorder my next year of contact lenses, which cost between $400-$500. I am freaking out. I'm worried I won't have enough money to eat once I move down there. Do banks give out student loans that go straight to you instead of your school? Because I need the money in my personal account to pay rent and groceries. My mom told me to drop out and just work full time, but I know that's no good without a degree. Can anyone offer some advice?

Read more: How to pay for college without help?