Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Who's fault was this?

Ok so I'm 15 and I went to the pool today. I went with my sister my step sister and there friends and there all 10 and we are all girls. Anyway we forgot towels and so they all voted for my little sister to get them I though that was unfair and went with her. So I went with her and we only got towels for ourselves and then my stepdad got the other 2 towels which was awful as they were just so lazy! Then when we got back the pool was cold so I was slowing getting in then my step sister slashed me in my eye so I took her goggle off her head not ruff and stuff and popped the lens. Then she goes out of the pool gives them to her dad and then goes home with him. Then she lied and said I hit her took the goggles broke them and stuff and that she didn't do anything! And my step dad said he "saw it all". Anyway my sister and there friend where witnesses. They agreed with my story, anyway then my stepdad told my mom is was awful what I did and that it was bad in the publics eyes and stuff so my mom drove to the pool and was going to take my phone! I didn't care but still I wanted to know why! So she said I did wrong and stuff so I told her the story which my sister and her friend both agreed on and she said oh wow that's was rediculous. And didn't take my phone. Anyway so now my mom is mad and stuff but I don't want her to be… I no taking the goggles was childish but I mean her dad wasn't going to do anything if I told him. He might of just said stop but she wouldn't have.

Read more: Who's fault was this?