Saturday, May 18, 2013

Having a hard time getting used to my new glasses?

I got my prescription changed a while ago, and it changed a lot from what it used to be.So I got new contacts and glasses, and while I'm mostly okay with wearing the contact lenses (save for some eye issues that can't be fixed as of right now -- namely eye convergence and migraines), I've been having trouble getting used to my new glasses. I still can't see completely straight when I wear them. I wear my contacts pretty much all day/for most of the day, so granted I don't always wear my glasses and when I do, it isn't for long. However, I would have thought that a few months of wear would have straightened them out by now anyway? When I close one eye in my glasses, I can see perfectly fine, and same when I close the other. But with both eyes open things don't completely line up.

So I guess my question is… what do I do about this? Is it normal? How can I finally get used to my new glasses?

См. статью: Having a hard time getting used to my new glasses?