Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Why is my contact lens slimy?

Whenever I take out my contact lens, I would obviously clean it with solution and put it back into it's case. The thing I don't understand is, that after every time I take out and put it back into it's case, the next morning when I'm gonna wear it, it kinda emits this slimy kind of "saliva-like" into the solution. I have washed my case every time, and I even wash my contact lenses but it still gets slimy which hasn't happen in the last 4 years of my life when I started wearing contacts.It started getting slimy around the last 3 months or so. And I've been using the same brand of contact lens and solution for almost 4 years now. I'm just worried I might get an eye infection o.o

См. статью: Why is my contact lens slimy?