Thursday, April 18, 2013

What's wrong with my betta and how can I make him better?

He's a king half moon betta in an at least 3 gallon vase with one real plant (dwarf anubias) and glass pebbles. I don't have a filter but do regular water changes and use the appropriate amount if water conditioner. He gets a fair amount of natural window and room light (not directly in front of the window). He has a heater that is set to about 76 degrees. He has been doing fine but lately his fins are slightly clamped and he hasn't really been eating like normal. He just takes the food and spits it out. He used to eat a lot. He's a big boy. He has a varied diet of mostly pellets, dried blood worms, dried mysis, and dried daphnia. I don't over feed him. His water is slightly cloudy. His eyes aren't cloudy but the lens on his eyes (the clear covering) kind of stick out. Maybe it's normal, maybe it's not. I just haven't noticed it. I don't think it's pop eye because his whole eye isn't bulging. His color is too faded. He is more lethargic than usual but not swimming or floating funny. He doesn't have any excess flint and I've looked him over using a flashlight. I've been treating him with betta fix for 2 days. I figured it couldn't hurt. I'm really worried about him. Any advice to make him unclamped, swim more, and eat again? Thanks guys!

См. статью: What's wrong with my betta and how can I make him better?