Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Do I need a new prescription to switch contact lens brands?

I just went to the eye doctor a few months ago, so my prescription is less than a year old -- the problem is I want to switch from my two week lenses to dailys and my prescription specifies a specific lens brand (Acuvue oasys). Would I have to go back to the eye doctor? Or would the place I am getting the lenses from just look at the strength of the prescription and not care about the brand?

I should note that I have been wearing contacts for 12 years now.
Added (1). I guess I should mention I used to wear these same dailies, I just haven't worn them in a few years. I switched from them becasue they were getting too costly, but now I can afford them again. I prefer the dailies because I work outside a lot and *** gets in my eyes all the time.
>>> Do I need a new prescription to switch contact lens brands?