Saturday, November 8, 2014

Are my glasses too strong or do i have to get used to them?

Okay so first off im 14 years old.
ive been wearing glasses since i was in the 4th grade.
so for a really long time my prescription was -3.25 in the left eye and 2.50 in the right.
i wore only contacts for a little less than 2 years, because my glasses broke awhile ago and i just didnt care to get a new pair. I know thats so bad for my eyes, and i regret that so much.
okay so i wore daily disposable acuvue moist since i started wearing contacts.

i recently felt that my eyesight was getting worse so i got my eyes checked out, along with getting some frames with my mother.
my prescription is now: still -3.25 in the left, but 3.50 in the right.
im wearing glasses for the first time in so long, and i got nauseous in the first hour, a bad headache, and slight eyestrain, my eyes kinda reacted like woah… But the contacts of this prescription felt great.

do i just have to get used to the glasses? Or do you think its to strong?


Read more: Are my glasses too strong or do i have to get used to them?