Saturday, November 8, 2014

Thin corneas, Complete monovision, What are my options?

I have a rare condition with my eyes called monovision, it's uncommon but nothing too scary for eye doctors. It means I'm nearsighted in one eye and farsighted in the other. It means I only look at things with one eye at the time. I have nil distance perception.

TL:DR I see in 2D.

Glasses don't work for me as they trigger my brain to only look through my left eye due to the frame/dust on the lenses triggering that eye to pop into use. Contacts don't work as they end up fighting against my brain wiring. I've gotten to 20/20 with them but I end up feeling dizzy/sick about an hour into wearing them and I've had panic situations where everything suddenly looks less than an inch from my face.

Scared into having to pay back my parents for the test if I failed I cheated on the eye exam portion of my driver's license test. Easy to do, simply say what the person in front of you said on the eye tests. :/ I'm not dumb enough to drive on narrow Connecticut roads in my condition, it also expires next year and I refuse to cheat again.

I thought my only option was lasik surgery but I've been told by the Fichman eye center that I'm likely(they haven't decided yet) NOT a candidate due to having corneas bordering on being too thin.

Sigh… If I must I'll resign myself to living in a city with good mass transit though I'm not looking forward to having to learn how to live in a city. What other options do I have? I need something permanent enough to force my brain to adapt.

Read more: Thin corneas, Complete monovision, What are my options?