Thursday, March 13, 2014

Do I need a new prescription to switch from 2-week to daily contacts?

About 10 months ago, I got a years' supply of 2-week soft contacts (Acuvue Advance Plus) through my vision insurance. My prescription is still valid through August of 2014. About 6 months ago, I switched positions at my workplace. I went from a regular room-temperature job to working a refrigerated meat room and seafood room. Since then, I've had trouble keeping the contacts clean due to watering eyes (from the cold - natural for everyone) and such. I find that they get dirty within a matter of days (my eyes seem to emit some kind of gunk that gets "stuck" on the contact and makes it cloudy/white looking in certain areas) in my new position. It's nothing that I'm splashing in my eye.

I have a valid prescription good through August. At the end of April, my insurance will kick in and will allow me to buy either contacts or glasses. I usually get the contacts. It did pay about $350 for a full years' supply of 2-week soft contacts last year. However, due to this issue with getting the 2-week contacts dirty much more quickly than expected, I have gone through a year's worth in about 9-10 months.

I need a box or two to carry me over until April 28th when I can use my insurance again. Will they let me buy a month or two of the dailies without having to see the doctor again?

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