Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Why is my contact blurry?

I've been wearing glasses for about eleven years now. My eyesight is HORRIBLE, I cannot read my cellphone in front of me from more than about 6 inches away from my face. I decided I'd give contacts a chance, so on last friday, four days ago, I told my eye doctor that I wanted contacts. He gave them to me.

My right eye apparently has astigmatism, so I have a weighted lense for it. He said something about not needing it for the left eye, so I don't know if I have astigmatism in that eye as well, or if it's not bad enough to need the lenses.

I don't remember noticing it on day one, but saturday, per doctors orders, I wore them for ten hours. I could not wait to get them out after a bit because I noticed my left eye was blurry. If I rubbed my closed eyelid, it would get clear for a second, and then go blurry again when I blinked. My cousin told me that it might be because the lense is dirty, and that moving it moved it to a clean spot, so I made sure the lense was extremely clean before I put it in again. Same issue, blurry till I rub my eye, clear for a second, then blurry again. Before I put them in today, they were soaking for two days in fresh liquid, so I don't think it's an issue of dryness. In addition, it is only my left eye, my right is fine.

What's going on? I'm going back to the doctor on Friday, but calling the office didn't help much. Are my lenses screwed up? Is my perscription wrong? It's driving me nuts! It's more comfortable to just wear the right lense and not the left at all. I'd just like to get the most out of them.

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