Saturday, May 14, 2016

How many times can I wear daily contact lenses?

Okay, so I'm in a bit of a situation. Over the next 2 months, I have a lot going on. I'm graduating high school, I'm going to prom, I'm starting a new job… And as of right now I only have less than 2 weeks worth of Aqua Comfort Plus Daily contact lenses. I just found out that my prescription has expired, so long story short I can't get new lenses until after June 27th.

My question is, although they are daily lenses, could I put them in contact lense solution after I wear them for a few hours and then use them the next day… Or something like that? I am really freaking out here. Of course I have glasses, but they are painfully annoying to wear. I need to somehow stretch less than two weeks of contact lenses out over almost 2 months.

Read more: How many times can I wear daily contact lenses?