Monday, April 29, 2013

Am I overreacting over sleeping arrangements?

Me and my friend Vicky had a little spat over some camping arrangements last night and I've yet to hear from her. We've had this planned a month in advance, and it was decided it would be me, her, her boyfriend Con, and female friend Lynn. Well, I was told all four of us would be sleeping in sleeping bags and blankets in a large tent together. I was totes fine with that, however, Con decided to bring his air mattress at the last minute for him and Vicky.Me and Lynn were gonna sleep next to them in our sleeping bags, once again I was ok with all this. Near the middle of the night, things started getting bad. Vicky and Con got in their air mattress and me and Lynn got in our sleeping bags, we all chit chatted and such… but Lynn seemed to start acting uncomfortable sleeping next to me. I have no interest in her whatsoever except as only a friend, I've never ever given her a signal or anything. When her and Vicky where setting up the sleeping bags and air mattress, Lynn had me pushed way near the edge of the tent while she was close to Vicky and Con. Now me, Vicky, and Lynn had all hung out before on several occasions. We go to the same gym together, gone shopping together, eaten out together, ect., I've always been comfortable around them and believed they were around me as well. But last night I was feeling really rejected. I got closer to Lynn because I felt so far from the group, she wasn't very happy about it but said it was fine. Vicky invited her in the mattress with her and Con, and that's when I felt pretty rejected. I kept my composure and said nicely it would be nice to have someone on the ground near me and that it was not really fair all three of them were on the air mattress and I was stuck on the floor. Lynn reluctantly got back down and was acting all bratty, we decided to finally go to sleep, but I kept hearing her and Vicky whispering to each other. After about 30 minutes I walked outside the tent to use the bathroom, thinking they were all asleep. I quietly crept back in the tent to find Lynn, Vicky, and Con on the air mattress asleep, leaving me one sleeping bag, my blanket (which is small) and my pillow. I put my shoes back on and decided to leave, but I had already taken out my contacts, wasn't sure where we were camping, and it was so dark and foggy, I gave up and got back in the tent. Vicky asked if there was something wrong and I said "Yea! You guys are piled in the air mattress leaving me here alone on the uncomfortable ground! I can't sleep here!" She didn't say anything but Con retorted "If you're gonna be like that then just leave!" I laid back down and stayed wide awake almost two hours. Finally about 4 AM I fell asleep, woke up again from discomfort around 5, and again at 6:30. Finally at 8:30 I got up, put in my contact lenses, gathered my things and left. They were all asleep the whole time still on the air mattress. I haven't heard from them since… so, did I overreact? I mean, I felt so rejected and like they didn't care about me being alone on the ground that it hurts. I believe Vicky felt bad, but she didn't offer to come be down there with me or anything, she just stayed right between Con and Lynn.

См. статью: Am I overreacting over sleeping arrangements?