Saturday, May 27, 2017

If there's an ADD power in my prescription, can I wear those glasses for everything?

I recently had an eye exam, my prescription is as follows:

OD -2.50, cyl -2.00, axis 107
OS -4.00, cyl -1.25, axis 081

* Then under "ADD" it says +0.75 *

I placed an order with an online optician, and they responded by asking me if I want glasses for distance, intermediate, or near vision. I want them for general all-purpose use.

My question is, can I have everything in the same lenses? I want to be able to see things far away AND read things that are right in front of me--why do I have to specify? Is this what "multi-focal" lenses are about? I've never had to choose before. And multi-focal lenses are hella expensive. Aside from that, I don't like the idea of looking through a different part of the same lens depending on what I want to see. Not sure if maybe I should get two pair, one for all-purpose and one for reading?

Read more: If there's an ADD power in my prescription, can I wear those glasses for everything?