Tuesday, October 13, 2015

My contact lenses won't stick to my eye?

I've been trying to put on contacts everyday for more than a week. At first I was afraid of touching my eye, but then I got over that. Then my problem was my blink reflex, but I also learned to control that by holding my upper eyelid. Now, the contacts just won't stick. I'm opening my eyes wide enough and I literally put the contact right in front of my eye and it's even touching my sclera, but it just won't stick. I put a drop of solution onto both the contact and my eye so they're both moist. I make sure it's not inside out and my finger is dry. I thought at first that the contact isn't the right shape for my eye, but my mom (who's a long time contact user) keeps saying it should stick even if it's not the perfect shape. Does it need to be able to curve exactly the way my eye is curved and I'm tilting it or something? Isn't it supposed to immediately suction? If my finger is even slightly wet, will it not stick to my eye? If I make the contact moist, and put it on my finger, then solution will get on my finger so I don't know how I can make it dry without making my contact dry too.

Read more: My contact lenses won't stick to my eye?