Friday, June 6, 2014

Do all colored contact lenses seem fake?

Im thinking of writing a story for english class about some girls that have a double identity. This ofcourse will involve them wearing make up to look irrecognizable. However, im still worried as if this will be enough to make them look like different people… So im considering contact lenses. However all the people with dark eyes that i know that wear colored contact lenses look really fake to me and its obvious they origiinally have dark eyes. Is this because they wear contact lenses that arent of good quality? Or is it because they have dark colored eyes and no matter what contact lenses they wear, they will still look fake? Is it better if i optfor the girls to have light colored eyes and wear contact lenses to make their eyes look dark? Please help its really important! Ps: any other ideas will be appreciated… Except for wigs because wigs will make this sound like hannah montana lol

Read more: Do all colored contact lenses seem fake?