Friday, June 6, 2014

Can a scratched cornea heal itself?

I wear monthly color contacts with degree, and yesterday while i was out with my friends, i suddenly felt this intense pain in my eye. It was nearly a month since i opened the lenses of the contact lenses, so i thought maybe it was just a little dry and it would be fine after awhile. I wanted to get eyedrops, but i couldnt find any where i was so i gave that up. THAT, WAS A BIG MISTAKE. Afterwards my right eye (the one with better vision *sobs*) began tearing nonstop and my vision was blurred through that eye. After awhile i gave up, and pluck both lenses out(not the least bit hygiene-ically) and walled around visually impaired.

It was only when i got home and put on my spectacles that i realized my right eye vision was blurred! So i went googling like the online doctor i was and found it to be symptoms of corneal abrasion.

I just wanna check if thats really the case, and if thats so, is there anything (other than going to see the eye doctor ) i could do to make it heal faster? My right eye is swollen (smaller than my left eye) and my vision is blurry, causing a great great inconvenience as i have to live and see, so i would really appreciate any help and suggestions! Thanks in advance!

Read more: Can a scratched cornea heal itself?