Thursday, May 15, 2014

I Really Want To Join The Military?


I have always been a little interested in the Military, especially the Royal Marines.

Recently I have taken more of an interest in it. And I now Really want to do it, I do not know why but I feel like if I do not go for it now then I will regret it later on in life! I want the adventure, the camaraderie, and experiences these guys go through everyday.

I have taken a big interest in the Royal Marines and the RAF Regiment… At first I wanted to be an RAF firefighter but can not pursue this as I need glasses/contact lenses.

So this is my question, why do the Royal Marines get classed as the best, and the elite, and why do the RAF Gunners get classed as fake soldiers/wannabes? My Grandad served 3 years in the regiment and he loved it, my uncle served 22 years in the regiment so it could not have been that bad!

It seems like the people who have a poor opinion of the Regiment are those who have either never had any Military experiences or people who are Royal Marines or Infantry:(.

Any insight would be great, what does the RAF Regiment do? Do they see much action these days?

thank you:).

Read more: I Really Want To Join The Military?