Saturday, May 17, 2014

Blurry contact lens?

On Wednesday I went to get a vision screening, and my eye doctor gave me new contact lens - originally I had -6.00 in the right eye and -5.50 in the left. She upped it to -6.50 in the right eye and -6.00 in the left. However, ever since that appointment (in which she gave me the new lenses to wear) I haven't really been able to see out of my left eye: my vision from that eye alone is blurry and out of focus. Should I contact the eye doctor and ask about it? She said there's an adjustment period, but it's been a few days and it hasn't gotten better.

I've tried flipping the lens, cleaning it, etc. Any other tips? Also, the contact in my left eye is Toric for astigmatism, if that helps at all. Thanks!

Read more: Blurry contact lens?